Friday, June 7, 2013

Rub It In

Rub It In
by Kira Sinclair
Rating: 3 of 5 stars

My Review:
Marcy and Simon rub each other the wrong way. Marcy runs Simon's resort, but is upset that Simon isn't involved enough. Marcy wants to get back to running a New York hotel after she had to leave her last job in New York over a questionable relationship.

When the yearly shut-down/vacation happens, Simon traps Marcy on the island resort so she'll have to handle the renovations happening instead of going to her job interview. She's mad, he's mad, they snipe at each other a bunch and she refuses to work. But when problems sneak up, they both team up to take care of the resort and they fall into bed together. She agrees to stay for the shut down but plans to leave afterwards.

They fall in love, but have some misunderstandings. She leaves, he grovels, happily ever after. It's a sweet story. The way Simon makes it up to her is very touching.

If you're looking for a good, quick category read, this would be a good choice, but if you get annoyed with some of the same overused phrases, be prepared that they pop up every now and then (my personal annoyance is "she met him thrust for thrust" or something similar).

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