Monday, September 3, 2012

Introvert Power

Introvert Power
by Laurie Helgoe, PhD
Rating: 4 of 5 stars

My Review:
I forget why I found this book but I'm really glad I read it. I went through it a lot slower than I normally read, but I had so much to highlight and think about. Introverts naturally like to reflect and I think that's what the author encourages most in this book.

No matter what type of introvert you are or how introverted you are, you will benefit from stepping back and following your gut. If you don't want to go to the party, say "I don't feel like going", if there are things you've been wanting in your life, stop and think about them and let them emerge. If you give yourself the space you've been needing, you will ordinarily feel better about yourself.

I will have to refer back to this book often because the author has so many good quotes. I should probably make sticky notes and hang them around my house so I remember to keep these things in mind. I don't think I identified with everything in the book. I think I'm a bit more moderate. But if something didn't fit me I was often able to say "oh, that's probably why <this person> does that".

I would recommend this book for anyone who's trying to find a place to fit in or who doesn't know why they haven't found their spot yet. This book says "that's ok, it'll come eventually" but more importantly "doing something you don't like for the sake of fitting in, doesn't help you be true to yourself". Probably something most of us could use to be reminded of.

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