Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Two Perfect

Two Perfect
by Samantha Hunter
Rating: 4 of 5 stars

My Review:
This is a very short story. I think it took me an hour or two to read.

Eva got dumped in an awful way by her last boyfriend and he passed around all kinds of nasty details about the breakup to people she works with. Soon after she bought a quilt and started having erotic dreams, all starring the same guy.

She realizes that it's not healthy how much she wants to live in her head with her fantasy man so she goes out with her friends and brings home a pseudo-coworker (I think they work in the same building and work collaborate on certain projects but not working for the same company). Their fling includes her feeling her fantasy man at the same time and her fantasy man helps her overcome her inhibitions that she inherited from her ex-boyfriend.

It was a sweet story, I would have enjoyed reading it as a full length novel in order to get to know everyone better. It definitely pushed some boundaries but it wasn't all that explicit. I'm going to have to look up more novels by Samantha Hunter in the future.

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