Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What I'm Working On - May 2014

What am I working on? The end of the school year. Seriously. I'm running one part of the big end-of-year fundraiser and all free time has been spent picking up items, going to meetings, making phone calls and trying to be organized. Finally, the fundraiser is this Friday. I'll be out until probably at least 10pm, but after that I think I'm done.

Unfortunately, the end of school also means...the end of school. I know. Crazy how that works. I haven't been capable of writing while my children are at home, so I'm not sure what I'm going to manage over the summer. I've got the boys in camp at least two days a week, so my fingers are crossed but we'll see what happens.

I've tried really hard to spend time with my younger son for the month of May. It's his last few weeks home with just me before he starts Kindergarten. Then both boys will come and go at the same time. It's been hard to let so much fall behind while I sit and play, but it's such an important thing for him. I've stayed back a little bit because let's face it, I really didn't want to make Secret Cement. Yeah, I'll just sit here and watch you stir the mud around. Thanks. But today we painted and drove toy trucks around. I think he had a fun time.

With all the excitement, I feel like I've barely read any books too. Not totally true. I finished an ARC book and have the review mostly done for later this month. I read the Lightning Thief alongside my older son. That's been fun. I finished the Rosie Project too. I mostly enjoyed it but I have some thoughts to think about it before I write a review.

Then there's also a little crazy story I'm supposed to be working on. I haven't gotten too far out of the idea stage, but hopefully it'll turn out all crazy and fun in the near future. At some point, I know I just have to sit down and get it written then worry about making it better later. But with all the crazy real-life stuff, I haven't had a free brain cell to motivate myself.

And finally, I signed up with a bunch of friends to run the Reno-Tahoe Odyssey. It's the huge, crazy relay "race" all the way around Lake Tahoe and the surrounding areas. The course is 178 miles and they estimate about 27 hours of time to complete it. I'll be running 14.9 miles of that, broken up into 3 legs. Since I've only ever run 6 miles at a time, I'm only getting through this thing on pure adrenaline, especially when you factor in the lack of sleep. I'm totally nervous about it...actually I'm more terrified of being in a car with the same people for 27 hours. Trying to eat and drink and rest is going to be really tough. The running part won't be easy, but I tend to walk if I feel like again, not as nervous to do the run so much as the expectation people might have of how hard I should be running.

Keep an eye out for my reviews to start up again later this month and we'll see what else I can fit in.

What crazy do you have scheduled for the end of the school year?


  1. Right now I'm just working on blog stuff and cutting back on TV watching so I can do more meaningful writing. No kids, but summer is traditionally my busy time at work. Trigger anxiety season. :/

    That Reno-Tahoe Odyessy sounds amazing! Good luck!

  2. How's the blog going? Sounds like you've been reading some interesting books. What are you writing lately? Are you going to be up here for the Carson City Lit Fest?
