Saturday, May 31, 2014

End of the Month Roundup - May 2014

What I'm reading:
Geek with the Cat Tattoo by Theresa Weir
So cute, but at the moment I'm not as convinced of the people romance as I am about the cat/person romance. I love Sam the cat even more than I love the humans.

Serafina and the Psycho Sous-Chef by Marie Treanor
I read book 1 in the series. This is book 4. I'm not confused even though I'm sure there are things I'm missing. This is such an interesting series and really good writing. Not as much in terms of romance, but there's a lot of action, fun, and some psychic/paranormal/telepathy.

What I've been cooking:
Healthier Pancakes
It's the same recipe I've been using for ages, but I've adjusted it now to remove all sugar. I also re-proportioned to use a whole container of buttermilk because who wants to waste that last cup each time you make them. Today's batch turned out almost more muffin-ish but I really liked them.

Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding
So far just with licking the spoon, the verdict is it's a little weird. It's got peanut butter too, so I was hoping for a peanut butter cup flavor. But my lick was more grassy tasting. Not necessarily bad, although we'll see when I try to have a little bowl of it.

Granola Bars/Clif Bars
Although I put in no processed sugar, these turned out SUPER sweet. Coconut sugar, maple syrup, and some chopped up dates. Next time I'll do less of those because this much sweet is just not necessary. But they are yummy and pretty filling even with only a little bit.
Dairy Free Chocolate Ice Cream - Coconut milk and almond milk. This batch turned out the best so far. I've tried approximately this same recipe three times and this is by far the yummiest.

What I've been working on:
Putting more words into a short (maybe) story of a hamster shifter. It's going to be crazy and I hope people find it silly and fun. And fair warning: there will be magic. I'm finding it's really hard to sit staring at a blank page each day. Luckily with the end of school almost here, I should have two days a week where I actually get to write something regularly.

Eyes and Ears:
We watched The Lightning Thief since my son finished reading the book. We fast forwarded through almost all the monsters. The plot was so different from the book. They took out huge chunks and changed the characters' motivations completely. The Small Person had some scary night times after watching. The Oldest was ok as long as we fast forwarded and now he wants to watch it again to keep absorbing...then see Sea of Monsters.

Nemo by Nightwish
I love this song

Obligatory sky picture:

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