Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Backwoods by Jill Sorenson

by Jill Sorenson
Rating: 4 of 5 stars

My Review:
When I started this book, I got snuggled in for a nice, calm romance. Maybe even two romances, if you count what's going on between the college kids. A little older-child-matchmaking-single-mom, some angst from the ex-husband, and some character growth and emotional issues to overcome. But then pieces started falling into place for this heroine and we get indications that things are going to get heavy and a bit creepy. I don't really read a lot of romantic suspense, but a book like this could make me a convert. It was well written with a solid plot. We get just enough idea of what's going on that the twists are not too shocking, but still on the creepy, not-sure-if-I-can-go-to-sleep-now scale. Each of the characters had their weak points and throughout the course of the story, they were able to overcome and prove their strength. The romance was sweet and angsty, but the bulk of the story was an adventure.

I was pulled into this story for the fast pace and compelling storyline. Things were happening and it felt like a good dramatic movie. The romantic emotions were there, but they didn't take over the story. They were a more muted background thread that wove through everything. The main characters were attracted to each other, but they derived comfort from each other when the danger amped up, instead of trying to squeeze in some sexytimes.

There were mentions of rapes, torture, and murder, so it could be disturbing to some. The situations were handled in a slightly farther-off way, so it wasn't a lot of overt, on-screen violence. But there were threats and kidnapping and lots of close calls. It was creepy enough to leave me slightly squicked and freaked out, but disengaged enough that I still wanted to keep reading and see what happened next.

I thought Jill Sorensen handled the emotional connections well and let each character grow in natural, compassionate ways. There were one or two instances where I cringed at phrases like <he reacted a certain way> “because he was a man”, but most of the time no one was pigeonholed and everyone was treated well by the other main characters.

I'm not sure that I'll read this one again, but I will definitely look for more book by Jill Sorenson. Her style was action-packed and engaging and when you're looking for a solid adventure with a happy ending, this book is a good choice.

*I received a complementary ARC of this book through netgalley in exchange for my honest review

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