Wednesday, October 30, 2013

50 Shames of Earl Grey

50 Shames of Earl Grey
by Fanny Merkin
Rating: 4 of 5 stars

My Review:
As someone who has no intention of reading the 50 Shades franchise, I found this book pretty hysterical. Actually, I've read the last 20 pages of the first 50 Shades book. So I don't really know that much about the franchise except what I've seen in popular culture. The author is able to poke fun at the books specifically, but also encompasses tons of pop culture and romance-novel-culture too.

I traded off reading this book and a regular romance novel at the same time and I found it sort-of hard to go between the two. This book pokes fun at everything and when I'd go back to the other book, I'd have to remind myself that these romance phrases are meant to be more serious now.

Anna was mostly, completely stupid. She knows almost nothing about life and her internal monologue is ludicrous. “I gaze into his gazing eyes gazingly like a gazelle gazing into another gazelle's gazing gaze.” Part of poking fun and very funny to read.

But what I loved more was some of the “more serious” silliness. Kissing after eating: “Perhaps we shouldn't have started kissing so soon after eating. Your mouth tastes like you ate an entire garlic bulb.” When Anna has some stinky feet: “'I love your scent, Anna' he says, placing his noise an inch away from my toes and inhaling deeply. His eyes grow wide with surprise. 'But perhaps, I shall start with your knees. Good idea.'” You find that in romance novels so often; that people never smell stinky or anything. It's just so funny and laugh out loud to have someone poke fun at that. But that was definitely the hard part alternating with a “serious” romance novel.

If you remember from the first 50 Shades book, the last little bit is the big spanking scene. This book takes that scene and makes it completely hysterical. One of the times that Anna seemed totally real and intelligent. Instead of being dark and heavy, this one completely turns it around and gives everyone the silly absolution they need.

Bottom line, you can't go into this book expecting a serious take on 50 Shades. It's a silly book, meant to make you laugh and be totally over-the-top insane. I'd compare this book a little bit to the Scary Movie franchise, but it also reminded me a lot of Douglas Adams. Will I buy the second book in this parody series? Maybe, but probably not for full price.

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