
Sunday, March 1, 2015

In Your Dreams by Kristan Higgins

In Your Dreams
by Kristan Higgins
Rating: 2 of 5 stars

My Review:
The one thing I can say for this book, is I never thought about not finishing it. I still like the author's writing style, and the book was *interesting* to read. I even had my almost-cry moment that I normally get with her books.

But...I had two major problems with the story...

First off, this series has been going on for quite a while. And each book adds more people, who show up in each subsequent book. By this point in time, I can't keep anyone straight. I'm pretty sure I know most of who married who, but then there are all these extra people that just randomly show up. There were so many first and last names that I basically have no idea what the point was. No one had a solid personality because there were just so many people.

On top of that, with so many people involved in the book, I felt it really took away from the main romance. I didn't feel like Emma and Jack even got to know each other, or like we saw any of their good points, because someone else was always butting in.

But the worst thing of all...I couldn't stand Jack. Oh, he's so nice. Oh, he's such a hero. Oh, everyone likes him. Yeah, until he didn't like something going on and he was all nasty to Emma. He was nice to every single person, always, except her. And a small “sorry” right before the end of the book did not cut it for me. With the way he acted, he needed major groveling and major grow-the-f-up and he didn't get any of that. He kept going on his regular life, and when it was convenient again, he decided he could handle having Emma in his life again... and Emma totally let that happen. She sounded all tough some of the time, but as soon as Jack wanted anything, she made a token protest and then just rolled over and gave him whatever he wanted.

I think that might be the end of the Blue Heron series for me. Sad because I still really like the writing, but without giving some of the characters a good kick in the ass, I won't be able to handle anymore.